Friday, November 18, 2011

the Wonder Box Oven!  TA-DAH!!!

I feel like I am really behind in makeing this website better...I will try harder!  So, I thought I would share a few tips.

WASHING:  Because they are 100% Cotton, they are completely washable.  Just put some soap on the spots and wash them out in the bathtub.  Then hang to dry!
JUST MAKE SURE YOU LET IT DRY COMPLETELY SO THE INSIDE DOESN'T MOLD!  I periodically rotate mine while they are hanging to make sure all the drips get out and it drys completely

COOKING:  Anything that can be cooked in Water, or have some type of liquid that will boil can be made in the WBO!  Except for desserts...sugary snacks do NOT work, sad to say!

NEW ITEM:  I finally found a way to bring to you the WBO Cookbook for a decent price.  It is a  full color recipe cards that are AWESOME!!!  I really hope you like them!